Meaning Of Indian National Anthem


What does the United States national anthem mean? Posted on June 29, 2011. Filed under: American history Tags. Parents a new reason to talk to their children about the greatness of the United States of America and the sacrificial meaning of our National Anthem. [] Like Like. Thank you Colin Kaepernick - In His Embrace. National anthem definition: A national anthem is a nation's official song which is played or sung on public. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.

The Indian National anthem, composed originally in Bengali by Rabindranath Tagore, was adopted in its Hindi version by the Constituent Assembly as the National Anthem of India on 24 January 1950. It was first sung 27 December 1911 at the Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress. The complete song consists of five stanzas. The lyrics were rendered into English by Tagore himself. NATIONAL ANTHEM OF INDIA ' Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka Jaya He Bharat Bhagya Vidhata Punjab Sindh Gujarat Maratha Dravida Utkala Banga Vindhya Himachal Yamuna Ganga Ucchala Jaladhi Taranga Tubh Shubha Name Jage Tubh Shubha Ashisha Mange Gahe Tubh Jaya Gata Jan Gan Mangaldayak Jay He Bharat Bhagya Vidhata Jaye He! Jaye,Jaye,Jaye,Jaye He ' Translation of The national anthem- Jana Gana Mana In English Thou are the ruler of the minds of all people, dispenser of India's destiny.

The name rouses the hearts of Punjab, Sind, Gujurat and Maratha. Of the Dravid and Orissa and Bengal.

Meaning Of Indian National Anthem

It Echoes in the hills of Vindhyas and Himalayas, mingles in the music of Yamuna and Ganga and is chanted by the waves of the Indian Sea. They pray for your blessing and sing thy praise.

The salvation of all peaople is thy hand, thou dispenser of India's destiny. Victory, Victory, Victory to thee. The Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka implies that King George V is the lord of the masses and Bharata Bhagya Vidhata is 'the bestower of good fortune'.

Meaning Of Indian National Anthem And Akansha

Following is a translation of the five stanzas which glorify the King: 1st stanza - (Indian) People wake up remembering your good name and ask for your blessings and they sing your glories. 2nd stanza - around your throne people of all religions come and give their love and anxiously wait to hear your kind words. 3rd stanza - Praise to the King for being the charioteer, for leading the ancient travellers beyond misery. 4th stanza - Drowned in the deep ignorance and suffering, poverty stricken,unconscious country? Waiting for the wink of your eye and your mother's (the Queen's) true protection. 5th stanza - in your compassionate plans, the sleeping Bharat (India)will wake up.


We bow down to your feet O' Queen, and glory to Rajeshwara (the King). This whole poem does not indicate any love for the Motherland but depicts a bleak picture.

When you sing Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka, whom are you glorifying? Certainly not the Motherland. The poem does not indicate that. It is time now to understand the original purpose and the implication of this, rather than blindly sing as has been done the past fifty years.

Act Five Ben, Gwen and Grandpa Max sawed Driscoll in the Forever Knights Laboratory. She also learned that Vilgax wants to draw the entire planet in the Null Void. Ben 10 protector of earth games.

Nehru chose the present national anthem as opposed to Vande Mataram because he thought that it would be easier for the band to play. It was an absurd reason but today for that matter bands have advanced and they can very well play any music.

So they can as well play Vande Mataram, which is a far better composition in praise of our dear Motherland -India. Wake up, it's high time! Vande Mataram should be our National Anthem. Tagore refused Knighthood by Britain to protest against the Jalianwala bag massacare. Answering a friend's query about the origins of the Jana Gana Mana in 1937, Tagore said that a loyalist friend had requested him to write a song in praise of the King. He had felt anger at his friends presumption about his loyalism.

It was this anger that led him to compose Jana Gana Mana. He had written a song to a superior authority, the 'Dispenser of India's destiny'. Tagore concluded. 'That great Charioteer of man's destiny in age after age could not by any means be George V or George VI or any George.

Even my 'loyal' friend realized this; because, however powerful his loyalty to the King, he was not wanting in intelligence.' I may add here that we normally sing the first verse alone: the third verse of the song refers explicitly to the eternal lord.

I think this is enough to clear the doubt you have in your mind. Courtsey:- I am an Indian and I dare to say that most of our pre-independece and post-independece politicians are spineless eunuchs.

Hence, they acknowledged 'Jana Gana Mana'as our national anthem written in praise of the British king by an anglomaniac Indian, Rabindranath Tagore. 'Vande matharam' of Benkim Chandra Chatterjee must be our national anthem. But Our politicians hardly have any national vision and mission. They have made our great country one of the least patriotic in the world by flatly ignoring and underestimating the ideas and ideals of our great national leaders and nation builders. The words of Mohd. Iqbal is worth remembering, 'Nations are born in the hearts of poets and they flourish and die in the hands of politicians.!'

BHARATH MATHA KI JAY -Sajeev Kizhattur (An Indian Teacher). Controversy shadowed Jana Gana Mana from the day of its first rendition in 1911 at the Congress session in Calcutta. King George V was scheduled to arrive in the city on 30 December and a section of the Anglo-Indian English press in Calcutta thought – and duly reported – that Tagore's anthem was a homage to the emperor.13 The poet claims in a letter written in 1939: 'I should only insult myself if I cared to answer those who consider me capable of such unbounded stupidity.' 13 In another letter to Pulin Behari Sen, Tagore later wrote, 'A certain high official in His Majesty's service, who was also my friend, had requested that I write a song of felicitation towards the Emperor. The request simply amazed me. It caused a great stir in my heart.

In response to that great mental turmoil, I pronounced the victory in Jana Gana Mana of that Bhagya Vidhata ed. God of Destiny of India who has from age after age held steadfast the reins of India's chariot through rise and fall, through the straight path and the curved. That Lord of Destiny, that Reader of the Collective Mind of India, that Perennial Guide, could never be George V, George VI, or any other George. Even my official friend understood this about the song. After all, even if his admiration for the crown was excessive, he was not lacking in simple common sense.' -Wikipedia source. Jana Gana Mana (Full 5 stanzas)English translation- Oh!

The ruler of the minds of people, Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! Punjab, Sindhu, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Dravida(South India), Orissa, and Bengal, The Vindhya, the Himalayas, the Yamuna, the Ganges,and the oceans with foaming waves all around Wake up listening to Your auspicious name, Ask for Your auspicious blessings, And sing to Your glorious victory.

Meaning Of Indian National Anthem In Bengali

You who impart well being to the people! Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! Victory to You, victory to You, victory to You, Victory, Victory, Victory, Victory to You! (refrain repeated five times) Your call is announced continuously, we heed Your gracious call The Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Parsees, Muslims, and Christians, The East and the West come, to the side of Your throne And weave the garland of love. You who bring in the unity of the people! Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! The way of life is somber as it moves through ups and downs, But we, the pilgrims, have followed it through ages.

Eternal Charioteer, the wheels of your chariot echo day and night in the path In the midst of fierce revolution, your conch shell sounds. You save us from fear and misery Oh! You who guide the people through tortuous path.

Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! During the bleakest of nights, when the whole country was sick and in swoon Wakeful remained Your incessant blessings, through Your lowered but winkless eyes Through nightmares and fears, You protected us on Your lap Oh Loving Mother Oh!

You who have removed the misery of the people. Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! In short.a truely beautiful piece of art can be completely corrupted with distorted references. It is only natural that Rabindranath Tagore's family being the founder of the 'Brahmo Samaj',he would invoke Lord Krishna or the Supremely Devine being in innumerable songs and poetry written by him. The Eternal Charioteer sounding the conchshell,refers to the Lord Krishna sounding his conch shell marking the commencement of the battle of Mahabharata. 'Khelichho kon Bishyaloye,Ogadho Shishu, ano mone.' -again a song singing the praises in simple amazement of the infinite child playing by himself in his nursery of the universe.this conjures in mind the image of baal Gopal.the universe is his playground.

The mother referred to towards the end is Motherland 'Bharat Mata' Again Ravindranath had in innumerable songs, have sung of the beloved, fertile 'mother land' whose complexion is 'golden' as her plenty harvest (wheat, rice) ripens under benevolent gaze of the Devine. Literatures of Great authors have layers and layers of meaning. The levels of great art always go deeper and higher. So my blogger buddy, try to be educated and not merely literate. Well said Venkat. Our national anthem, It is not a conversation with India. Rather, it is a praise and a prayer.

It is all Indians, in unison, praising the ultimate Dispensor of their destiny. It brings together all of us, to look not only at ourselves for creating the destiny of India. Rather to look towards the Creator, not creature. Such a faith that unites us inspite of our differences, I think, is necessary. So that we behave as one body seeking the progressive and ascending Spirit of the Creator. I love our National anthem for its power of unification. We are the Jana and the gana.

It is our mana that interpret the words of this poem. Let us also interpret it in a manner that personifies and glorifies the ultimate and universal power as the Dispensor of our mutual destiny. The meaning of the national anthem that you are telling is absolutely wrong and perverted. Actually the anthem was first sung in the 1911 at congress session of Calcutta and that time the KING GEORGE V ARRIVED IN INDIA and some stupid Anglo-Indian reporter though it was a homage to King George V. Rabindranath had written some to his his friends to tell its actual meaning. He wrote: 'A certain high official in His Majesty's service, who was also my friend, had requested that I write a song of felicitation towards the Emperor. The request simply amazed me.

It caused a great stir in my heart. In response to that great mental turmoil, I pronounced the victory in Jana Gana Mana of that Bhagya Vidhata ed. God of Destiny of India who has from age after age held steadfast the reins of India's chariot through rise and fall, through the straight path and the curved. That Lord of Destiny, that Reader of the Collective Mind of India, that Perennial Guide, could never be George V, George VI, or any other George. Even my official friend understood this about the song. After all, even if his admiration for the crown was excessive, he was not lacking in simple common sense.'

Jana gana mana adhinaayaka jaya he, Bhaarata bhaagya vidhaataa Panjaab Sindh Gujaraata Maraathaa, Dravida Uthkala Banga Vindhya Himaachala Yamunaa Gangaa, Uchchhala jaladhi tharanga Tava shubha naamey jaagey, Tava shubha aashisha maagey Gaahey thava jaya gaatha Jana gana mangala daayaka jayahey, Bharata bhaagya vidhaata Jaya he jaya he jaya he Jaya jaya jaya jaya he. Aharaha tava ahwaan Bhaan prachaarita, Sunithav udhaar vaani Hindu Bauddh Shikh Jain Parashikh, Musalmaan Christaani Purav pashchim aashey, Tava sinhaasan paashey Premhaar hoy gaathaa Jana gana iky vidhaayako jaya he, Bharata bhaagya vidhaata Jaya he jaya he jaya he Jaya jaya jaya jaya he. Pathana abhbhudhay bandhur panthaa, Yuga Yuga dhaavith Daathri Hey chirsaarathi, tava ratha chakre, Mukhurith patha din raatri Daaruna viplav maajhey, Tava shankhadhwani baajey Sankata dukkho traatha Jana gana patha parichaayak jaya hey, Bharata bhaagya vidhaata Jaya he jaya he jaya he Jaya jaya jaya jaya he. Ghor timir ghan nivir nishithey, Peedith murchhith deshey Jagrath chil thav avichala mangala, Natanaya ney animeshey Duhswapney aatanke, Rakshaa kariley ankey Snehamai tumhi maataa Jana Gana Duhkh Thrayaka jaya hey, Bharata bhaagya vidhaatha Jaya he jaya he jaya he Jaya jaya jaya jaya he. Raatri prabhatil udila rabichhabi, Purva udaya giri bhaaley Gaahey vihangam punya sameeran, Nava jivano rass dhaley Thava karunaaruna ragey, Nidritha bhaarat jagey Tava charane nath maatha Jayo Jayo Jayo Hey, Jaya Rajeshwar Bharata bhaagya vidhaata Jaya he jaya he jaya he Jaya jaya jaya jaya he. English Translation: Oh!

The ruler of the minds of people, Victory be to You, Dispenser of the destiny of India! Punjab, Sindh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Dravid (South India), Orissa, and Bengal, The Vindhya, the Himalayas, the Yamuna, the Ganges, And the oceans with foaming waves all around. Wake up listening to Your auspicious name, Ask for Your auspicious blessings, And sing to Your glorious victory.

You who impart well being to the people, Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! Victory, victory, victory to You! Your call is announced continuously, We heed Your gracious call The Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Parsees, Muslims, and Christians, The East and the West come together, To the side of Your throne And weave the garland of love. You who bring in the unity of the people! Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! Victory, victory, victory to You! The way of life is somber as it moves through ups and downs, But we, the pilgrims, have followed it through ages.

Eternal Charioteer, the wheels of your chariot Echo day and night in the path In the midst of fierce revolution, Your conch shell sounds. You save us from fear and misery.

You who guide the people through torturous path, Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! Victory, victory, victory to You! During the bleakest of nights, When the whole country was sick and in swoon Wakeful remained Your incessant blessings, Through Your lowered but winkless eyes Through nightmares and fears, You protected us on Your lap, Oh Loving Mother! You who have removed the misery of the people, Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! Victory, victory, victory to You!

The night is over, and the Sun has risen over the hills of the eastern horizon. The birds are singing, and a gentle auspicious breeze Is pouring the elixir of new life. By the halo of Your compassion, India that was asleep is now waking On your feet we now lay our heads Oh! Victory, victory, victory to you, the Supreme King, Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! Victory, victory, victory to You!

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