Pokemon Leaf Green Randomizer Download

  1. Pokemon Leaf Green Randomizer Download Android

Welcome to my Pokemon Leaf Green Randomizer Nuzlocke. Let me start off by saying what I have done. I have enjoyed doing both a and a challenge. They were both very fun.


The Scramble allowed me to play through a game with no chance to choose my team, and taught me how to work with what you get. The Duo-type limited me to my choices, and taught me to be more strategic with my movesets. With this Randomizer Nuzlocke, I hope to incorporate both of those lessons. All Pokemon will be random, and really what's more exciting then having, say. A Moltres as your starter? Or, what's more heart-breaking then nothing but Spearow and Bellsprout through Victory Road? I'll inform you of some features of how I've randomized the Pokemon:.

All 3 starters are random. They can be any Pokemon, BUT, the trio type will still be there. For example, I could have Voltorb, Seaking, and Nosepass as my starter choices, as long as each Pokemon has a weakness and a strength to another in the group of three, as I understand it. Wild Pokemon will be random, but not as random.

What that means, is that wild Pokemon will be substituted for a Pokemon of the same habitat. This is to prevent having Pokemon like Tentacruel in wild grass, and Koffing appear while I'm surfing. Trainers follow the same form as the wild Pokemon. But they will retain their type specialties.

Bug Catcher Tim will still have Bug Pokemon, but maybe a Beedrill and a Ledian. This is to make the gym battles make more sense.

Without anything else to say, besides that this challenge will include pictures to make it more entertaining for you all, here are the Nuzlocke rules. Any questions to any special stipulations I may be using will be found in this spoiler: Nuzlocke. Update #1 Alright!

Here we go, the start of a brand new adventure, let's jump right into. Pokemon Leaf Green! I love the first generation of Pokemon, as most people do I imagine. However, let's keep in mind that this is no ordinary Leaf Green. All Pokemon are random, even the starters.

I will be choosing my starter based on my Trainer ID. Depending on the last digit of my Trainer ID, I will choose a certain starter no matter what. 1-3 means I get the left most Pokemon.

4-6 means the middle one, and 7-9 means the right most Pokemon, while 0 means I get to choose whoever I want. I name myself Provost, and I clearly chose to be a boy.

I decided to go with my username as my IGN, just because. No particular reason, other then the fact that I didn't really have a nickname theme for my Pokemon in mind to relate it with. And of course, my rival's name is Socks, because he smells. We start the game off in my bedroom! I grab the Potion that is in my computer. Our first steps into the world.

This is my house, located in Pallet Town. There was nothing much to do, so I went to leave and move on. That is, until Prof. Oak stopped me. He warned me about the dangers of tall grass, and how I should really have a Pokemon to keep me safe. So he says he'll give me one. He walks me back to his lab, where Socks is at, also waiting to get a Pokemon.

While he is impatient, Oak decides to let me choose first. I check my Trainer ID, and it ends in a 1. The left most Pokemon is mine. But which is that? Click the spoiler to find out. These were my three choices, from left to right: 'Bulbasaur' (Swampert) 'Squirtle' (Metapod) and 'Charmander' (Kakuna) I LUCKED out big time with this.

I don't think I could of used Kakuna or Metapod, due to them only knowing Harden. But Swampert? The first gym will be a breeze.

(Not sure if necessary, but you can tell I'm being legit, because Socks gets farther away from the picture of the Pokemon as I go down the row, meaning Swampert must of been the left most Pokemon). I choose Swampert, and name him Bulbasaur. So that's that taken care of! Socks decides he wants to test out our new Pokemon.

My Bulbasaur against his Kakuna. He's unmatched in more ways then he knows. All his Kakuna knew was Harden, so after a bunch of Mud-Slaps I KO'd it. Nothing special. He marches off, clutching at the broken pieces of his dignity.

Alright, now it's time to march on out of Pallet Town. We've been here way too long. We leave our hometown behind, and waltz into Route 1, where we encounter some neat Pokemon (since I have a catch here eventually, I won't reveal what types there are!).

After Bulbasaur grew to Lv. 9, we reached Viridian City. And that's where we'll leave it off for today!

I know that hardly anything was done, but please understand that I am incredibly busy these days (college/work/moving out), so I would rather quick, small updates then long, big ones. The other updates should be longer then this one, at least.

This is The Provost, thanks for reading! Update #2 Hello! Welcome to part 2 of my challenge!

In this update, we're going to make it to the first gym. But to do that, first we have to take care of some business. In Virdian City, where we left off last time, I heal my Bulbasaur and then go to the Pokemart. The shop keeper hails me, and asks that I deliver a parcel to Oak.

I have nothing better to do, so why not? I just want my Pokeballs. The Pokemon I've been seeing in Route 1 are all so good. I take the parcel to Oak, and he thanks me. Socks comes in and asks why he was called here. Oak gives us both a Pokedex and 5 Pokeballs.

Finally, time to get some new party members. I wrap things up with Oak and Socks, then head out into Route 1. There had been bunches of Pinsir, Dodrio, and Nidoqueen before, but this time.

Nidoran male. Unfortunately, I didn't even catch him. Bulbasaur is just an unstoppable behemoth it seems. Oh well, let's carry on and get other Pokemon. On Route 22, just to the left of Viridian City, I encounter and unfortunately kill a Vileplume. I love Vileplume, so this was very stressful for me. And on Route 2, to the north of Viridian City, I accidently killed (and forgot to get a picture of) a Nidorino.

But, in Viridian Forest, I find Cynthia: I'll probably just use her as a Sp.Def shield, and give her Toxic or some other move. Any suggestions for a potential move set is greatly appreciated! Anyway, I run back to a Pokecenter, heal up, then plow through Viridian City and it's trainers.

Here are the levels at the end of the forest: Now. You may be wondering, 'hey, where's Cynthia?' I know, I know. I'm doing so badly! She was in a battle with a Celebi who was only one level higher, and I tried to run, couldn't get away, and then Celebi one-hit Cynthia.

So, she's gone. But I have one more chance on the other side of Viridian Forest, in a different part of Route 2 to get a Pokemon before Brock. It has the same name as another place, but the Pokemon are different then in the first part of Route 2. So, I go through to Route 2, then past it into Pewter City so I can heal Bulbasaur. I go back to Route 2 after buying some Pokeballs in the Pokemart, determined to catch a Pokemon. Unfortunately, it was a Lv.

3 Nidoqueen, who would of been amazing to have, but unfortunately was a one hit KO for any damaging move I had, and only had a 6% catch rate with a Pokeball. So I miss out on having an extra team member for facing Brock, but that's what we'll do next update, take him on, defeat him with Bulbasaur, and HOPEFULLY get a new Pokemon!

Feel free to humiliate me for my lousy luck. This is The Provost, thanks for reading!

Update #3 Hello! Hope you're all doing fine. I have a lot of free time today, which is unusual, so I thought I would do an update. We're going to fight Brock in this update!

I suspect he'll be super easy. Bulbasaur has been a wrecking ball thus far, even wrecking all of my chances of getting other Pokemon. Brock honestly doesn't stand a chance.

Also, let's hope that I can get a Pokemon in this update. Fighting the gym trainer, Bulbasaur grew to Lv. I healed him, then I talked to Brock, and our battle began. Brock had an Aron and an Onix. I giggled when the Onix came out, as that would of been his Pokemon anyway. I one-hit both of them with Water Gun.

Very easy, and Bulbasaur grew to Lv. Bulbasaur also forgot Tackle and learned Bide, but I didn't get a picture of that. I decided to forget Tackle because Swampert is safe with just knowing Mud-Slap and Water Gun, and maybe Bide can help catch a Pokemon. We get the Boulder Badge (or is it actually Boulderbadge?), and now we're going to leave Pewter City! Heading East, we leave Pewter City and run into one of Oak's AIDES. He gives me a pair of running shoes that my mom sent for me.

I battle through as few trainers as I can in Route 3, leveling Bulbasaur to Lv. 17, and having him forget Mud-Slap and learn Mud Shot. In the grass in Route 3, I run into a Nuzleaf and manage to catch it by using Bide! Yes, my plan worked! I name her Violet, because it somehow seemed to be fitting, in my mind at least.

I battle the rest of the trainers on Route 3, then make it to Route 4, heal and save my game. This is The Provost, and thank you for reading update 3 of my challenge! Quote from Let's hope Violet survives. In this update, we will be working a lot on leveling up Violet, and hopefully catching a few other Pokemon and leveling them up as well. Bulbasaur is already a really high level, he could probably handle Misty on his own.

I don't know when I will evolve Violet either. The good moves in Nuzleaf's moveset don't come until a late level, but Shiftry doesn't learn any good moves at all!

Violet will stay as a Nuzleaf for a long while, is my decision. I'm hoping to catch a fire or electric type soon. Maybe even psychic would be cool. I'm sure my team will really start to reveal itself in this update:D Update #4 Hello! This is The Provost, and welcome to the 4th part of my Pokemon Leaf Green Randomizer Nuzlocke Challenge. In the last update, we defeated the gym leader Brock using only our trusty Pokemon, Bulbasaur the Swampert.

After that, we left Pewter City and caught Violet the Nuzleaf along the way. We saved just outside of Mt. Moon at a Pokecenter. In this update, we're going to hopefully travel through this cave, and acquire a full team of great Pokemon. As a side note, I feel like I should mention that I will be capturing Pokemon on all levels of Mt. Moon (Main, B1F, B2F). Moon has some of my favorite game music, and I was curious as to what Pokemon were going to be in here.

After I caught my Pokemon, some of the other ones were Mewtwo, Parasect and Gengar. I got Storm the Misdreavus, who I am proud to have on my team. I know Misdreavus isn't really looked highly upon, but I love ghost Pokemon, so I'll make it work.

In these photos, we cover the catches in both B1F and B2F. In B1F, the first encounter was a Butterfree. Butterfree would make a great replacement for Cynthia the Dustox. Fortunately, this Butterfree had Compoundeyes as an ability.

Jammy the Butterfree will definitely be learning Sleep Powder in his future. On B2F, we ran into a Wobbuffet. Personally, not a fan. It annoyed me in the TV show and it just doesn't seem creative to me. I don't really expect much from it. Regardless, The Chef the Wobbuffet is welcome on my team, as it's 5th member. Not a serious update, but I found it hilarious that during my battle with the Team Rocket grunt on the right, it was his Igglybuff vs.

My Butterfree. It was essentially the cutest battle ever. D'awwww I defeated this guy pretty easily. He was obsessed with the two fossils up ahead, but he let me have one when I defeated him.

Pokemon Leaf Green Randomizer Download Android

I chose the Dome Fossil. We finally get out of Route 4. That cave felt like it took forever, but all of my Pokemon are leveled up a bit now. I'll level them up some more before the next update. I ran into two karate men who were offering to teach my Pokemon moves. The one on the left taught Mega Punch to Bulbasaur, and the one on the right taught Mega Kick to Violet. Good moves, and they both needed them.

On Route 4, we ran into a wild Flygon. I caught it pretty easily, only needing to use 2 Pokeballs. I named him Nibbers, no reason why. I save my game. This is The Provost, and thank you for reading Part 4 of my challenge!

Update #5 Hello, this is The Provost, and welcome to the 5th update in my Pokemon Leaf Green Randomizer Nuzlocke. In the last update, we made it the whole way through Mt. Moon, catching a full team of Pokemon, ending in Route 4. We also got a fossil, and leveled up our Pokemon.

In this update, we're going to level up some more, battle with a certain someone, and then hopefully catch one more Pokemon for the PC! It's important that this happens, because backups are necessary in a nuzlocke. We make it into Cerulean City. I heal, buy some things at the Pokemart, then dive back into Route 4 to level up my Pokemon. As you can see by the picture on the right, All of my Pokemon are level 18 after a good training session (despite Bulbasaur and The Chef, who are levels 21 and 16 respectively). I decided to stop training The Chef, and use him as fallthrough (meaning that I use Destiny Bond on a really hard Pokemon and hope everything works).

He doesn't learn any new attacks and I just can't see myself seriously using him. Oh no, now Socks wants to fight.

Rival battles are usually scary to me. I often forget when they happen, and Socks is actually a tough opponent in this game. He could very likely KO a team member or two. But, luckily, I remembered this battle was coming so I healed prior to it. Let's battle! Socks started off with a Weepinbell, and I sent out Jammy. My strategy was to put it asleep with Sleep Powder, then just bring it down with Confusion.

It worked out pretty well, Weepinbell fainted after two Confusion's. Socks brought out an Elektrike.

I switched out to Nibbers. This fight was also pretty easy, as I just told Nibbers to spam Sand Tomb, while Elektrike used Bite to do a little amount of damage. Socks brought out a Bagon, and I quickly realized that it would be the hardest part of this fight. I switched out to Storm, but the Bagon knew Dragon Rage (guaranteed 40 HP of damage everytime).

I was making little progress on him, so I switched out to The Chef. Unfortunately, I knew what I had to do after seeing that Dragon Rage was neither special nor physiocal in this game.

Mirror Coat and Counter were useless, so I had to use Destiny Bond to KO him along with The Chef. Fare thee well, The Chef! For his final Pokemon, Socks sent out his starter Pokemon who has now evolved, Beedrill. The fight was quick and easy, using Sleep Powder and Confusion on repeat until he was KO'd. He used Rest once which was annoying. But Jammy, being the beast that he is, overcame anything Beedrill had to throw at it.


Thanks to my team, I defeated Socks! Unfortunately, we didn't defeat Socks without a loss. The Chef paid the ultimate price, but without him I may have lost several more team members. I was never pleased that he was on my team, but every Pokemon brings talent to a team that another Pokemon can not. Thank you, The Chef! Enjoy PokeHeaven. I healed up, then challenged all of the trainers on Nugget Bridge /Route 24.

I got a Nugget for my troubles, along with a few levels for my team, then challenged the Team Rocket guy at the end after refusing his offer to join him. After defeating him, I went to the patch of grass nearby the bridge and ran into a wild Xatu. I caught him and named him Fiendy. I love Xatu, and I'm glad he will be replacing The Chef. This was a great update! It had a touch of everything, and most of all, we still have a complete team! (and a great one to boot).

This is The Provost and thank you all for reading part 5 of my challenge! Quote from Nice challenge!

I'll be watching you(r challenge) Thank you! The motivation is great.

I think my team is coming along together quite nicely now. My next encounter after Flygon was a Sunflora.

So I really lucked out there. The randomizer really adds a bit more excitement to a nuzlocke.

Quote from NO! The Chef.why! I love Wobbufet, hehe.Just to torture people.

I like Wobbuffet as a Pokemon. But when you introduce his moveset into the equation, I just facepalm. Call me old fashioned, but I like Pokemon with attack moves:p. (On a side note, I had no idea that Wobbuffet was a Psychic type until this challenge. I kind of thought he was Water and maybe Dark or something. The more you know!) Quote from YOU GOT A FLYGON?!?!?!?!!! I had a Flygon nicknamed ChikenSW or more known as Chicken SANDWICH!!!

In my Pokemon Emerald Nuzloke. He survived to the end and knocked out more Pokemon than my best Pokemon Cracker the Magneton) My reaction exactly. Nibbers the Flygon is extraordinary so far. As I said earlier, I almost had a Sunflora instead.

Chicken Sandwich is a superb nickname for a Flygon, glad we both get to/got to experience their awesomeness:D. Quote from I WANT PART 6!!!!!!!!!!! Update #6 Hello!

Pokemon leaf green nuzlocke randomizer download

This is The Provost, with update number 6 of my Pokemon Leaf Green Randomized Nuzlocke! In the last update, we battled Socks, who killed The Chef. But, on Route 24 we found and caught Fiendy the Xatu. Welcome to him! In this update, we will be exploring more of the routes beyond Cerulean City.

Socks mentioned something about a guy named Bill who we should go thank, so we might do that. But first things first: We have to go through Route 25, where the first wild Pokemon we encounter is a Slaking! If any of you have read my, you would understand my hatred for the Slakoth family. But, a Slaking has power, so I spent a lot of time and a few potions chipping this thing down and putting it to sleep. It was a lot of effort to do, actually. That's when I noticed I had one Pokeball. It broke out, so I killed it and went on.

We battle a sh.t load of trainers. I hate how many trainers they put in there. Then we go in to a house, where we see a Clefairy. Surprise, the Clefairy is actually Bill. He messed up an experiment and needs someone to hit a switch so he can transform back into a human. I think really hard about not helping him.

But I guess we have to. To further the story and stuff. He goes into a teleporter, and then I activate it. He comes out as a human. He thanks me, and then gives me a S. Ticket (my least favorite part of the game). I walk out, and take a shortcut back to Cerulean City.

I heal my Pokemon, and then contemplate the next update. We'll be taking on Misty. Before that, I'm going to level up all of my Pokemon to at least level 20.

I know this update took a while to make, but this next one might take a little while, but I'll try to get it out before the end of next week! We'll aim for Sunday! Solid work was done!

Thank you all for reading this update, and I hope to see you again in update 7! This is The Provost, signing off! Quote from This is a very interesting randomizer Nuzlocke. So far, I like it. It is fun to read and I like the names for your Pokemon.

I really like Jammy. I have a thing for Butterfree, so he is my favorite. He is so cute.

Anyways, good luck. I'm trying to make this challenge the best one I've done. I'm glad my effort is being noticed! Also, Jammy is my favorite too! Nibbers is pretty cool too, though. Hope you read update 7, too! Update #7 Hello!

I am The Provost, and this is part 7 of my Pokemon Leaf Green Randomized Nuzlocke! In the last update, we missed out on catching a Slaking, then met Bill after battling a bunch of trainers. We transformed him from a Clefairy into a human, and he gave us a ticket to get me on a boat.

I healed, then saved. We buy some supplies to prepare for the big battle.

Potions, and antidotes and an awakening. You never know, it's always nice to be prepared. Then, we talk to Misty, and the fight begins: Alright! Misty sends out a Mudkip! I start off with Violet, who is of course my best bet for this fight.

Violet uses Bullet Seed and does a lot of damage. Mudkip uses Curse, but it was pointless because another Bullet Seed KO'd it! She sends out a Lapras next: Violet uses Bullet Seed, and Lapras uses Mist.

Bullet Seed barely did any damage, so Violet used Mega Kick instead, but missed. Lapras used Mimic and learned Mega Kick. Violet hit with Mega Kick for a decent amount of damage, but then Lapras got a critical hit with Mega Kick and brought Violet to 2 HP. I switch out to Storm, and Lapras uses Mega Kick, which doesn't effect Storm. Storm uses Confuse Ray, but Lapras uses it back. I switch out to Bulbasaur, and Lapras used Mist. Bulbasaur used Mega Punch, and then Lapras hit itself in confusion.

Pokemon leaf green randomizer gba

Misty used a Super Potion on Lapras, and Bulbasaur used Mud Shot. Bulbasaur used Mud Shot, and Lapras used Mega Kick. Bulbasaur used Mud Shot to KO Lapras, and defeate Misty! I received the Cascade Badge! I also get TM03 Water Pulse. Thank you for reading update /7 of my randomizer nuzlocke!

I did a lot of grinding in a short amount of time to get an update out early, after not making one for nearly 2 weeks. This is The Provost, and thank you for reading this update!

So yeah I've been on the internet for quite some time and I've seen a lot of things Pokemon. I've seen Pokemon fanfics,forums and other things but what interests me the most is the rom hacking community. You see I think Pokemon has a lot of fan games and rom hacks but one of them really caught my eye Pokemon red 721. You see Pokemon red 721 is a customizable randomizer that uses up to 251 of the 721 you know and love. How the randomizer works is you go to the website and set it up anyway you want to you can choose whether or not to include:Pokemon from later generations(you could choose to have only gen 5 and 6 Pokemon), music from prism pinball Crystal or females of gen III and onward tunes( and even have random pitch changes), and update the types and moves to x and y things.

If you want to do a run of this I recommend a nuzlocke or my version of the halflocke. Go check it out. Here's a few thing to tempt you even more.

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