Inazuma Eleven Anime


Stream Inazuma Eleven-episode-1- anime full episodes in English sub, English dub. Watch Inazuma Eleven-episode-1- English dubbed, English subbed online free. Watch anime online English Dubbed, English Subbed Online Free. Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin (イナズマイレブン オリオンの 刻印 (こくいん), lit. Inazuma Eleven Mark of Orion) is the sequel to Inazuma Eleven Ares no Tenbin.It started airing on October 5, 2018. Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin (イナズマイレブン オリオンの刻印(こくいん), lit. Inazuma Eleven Mark of Orion) is the sequel to Inazuma Eleven Ares no Tenbin.

Synopsis Tenma Matsukaze is a new student at Raimon Junior High. Due to his love for soccer, he decides to join the school soccer team, which gained its reputation after the amazing performance shown ten years earlier in the Football Frontier International, a tournament that hosts the best youth teams the world has to offer. Unfortunately, the once renowned school doesn't have the soccer spirit it once enjoyed. This is primarily due to the fact that soccer in Japan is now controlled by a dark entity known as the 'Fifth Sector.' They alone decide the fate of every match, instructing teams to either win or lose. The actions of the Fifth Sector have beaten down the country’s soccer teams, who no longer have a love for the game.

Nonton Anime Inazuma Eleven


Tenma and his teammates will look to shift this paradigm and fight back against their evil oppressors. Thankfully, they will not be alone in this battle, as they will get help from a group known as the 'Resistance.' Cheer on the boys of Inazuma Eleven Go as they fight the good fight! Overall 8 Story 0 Animation 0 Sound 0 Character 0 Enjoyment 0 Inazuma Eleven Go is set ten years after the iconic Inazuma Japan lift the Football Frontier International trophy against the Little Gigant in the final.

Matsukaze Tenma is our protagonist in the show looking to enter the Raimon Junior High football club. The premise of the show is quite different from its prequel, ten years in the future all the schools are managed by an organization called 'Fifth Sector' who negotiate all the results of a soccer match and go by the belief that all schools should get equal attention when it comes to soccer.


This restricts the club who are naturally at a higher level to other, such as Raimon, to not be able to play at their best. The results of the game are given to the teams and whatever the decision taken by the Fifth Sector the match should provide the exact same result and if it ignores its decision the club may get in danger of being disbanded.

Raimon, because of its massive boost of success thanks to the majority of players in the Inazuma Japan team, is been getting talented players who transfer to the school in hopes of playing for them. The teams do as the Fifth Sector order them to but after Tenma joins up things begin to change as he tries to make everyone understand that this is not what true soccer actually is where there is no passion and hard work involved. Slowly as the show progresses, Endou Mamoru is appointed as their coach and the team continues to defy Fifth Sector's orders and play their own soccer.

There's also some new changes added to Inazuma Eleven Go with the introductions of 'Keshins' or 'Avatars' which is the soul embodied within a person. Avatars are constantly used in soccer matches as a means of shooting and even more for goalkeeping, as they tend to provide more power to the person. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of Avatars and they're a little too fancy for me, and I still like the old school simple Hissatsu Techniques but still they're a lot of fun, no doubt. Avatar is first seen from Tsurugi Kyousuke, who is a 'Seed' hell bent on destroying the Raimon Soccer club. 'Seed' is the name given to the players trained specially by the Fifth Sectors and sent to different schools and who can use their Avatars at will. Although not every Seed can use an avatar, the high-class training given to them by Fifth Sector makes them a formidable opponent. A seed is present in each and every one of the schools across the nation and they have the duty too oversee if the club is obeying the orders of the Fifth Sector or not.

Inazuma Eleven Go starts extremely slowly from its first few episodes so I advice you to not expect more action and fun, free-flowing soccer right away. It takes it time to get going as Raimon continues to defy but it gradually keeps getting exciting once it reaches the Holy Road Tournament, which is the same as the Football Frontier Tournament in where top schools across the nation compete to be the best in the country. There are a lot of new faces in the Raimon Junior High and the main one of them is Matsukaze Tenma.

Tenma is seen to be saved by Gouenji in a flash back scene, where he kicks the ball and hits a big block of wood which would have hit Tenma when he tries to save a puppy as a small kid. The ball has a Raimon Junior High mark in it and he keeps the ball with him and hopes to join Raimon once he grows up. The next character is Tsurugi Kyousuke, who is sent to Raimon as their seed but instead intends on destroying their club completely. However as the series progresses and as Tsurugi takes part in most of the matches, he learns to admire his teammates and then joins them in their battle against the Fifth Sector.

Tsurugi plays as a striker. Shindou Takuto is the captain of this new Raimon team and his role is as a midfielder. Shindou is seen to take out his Avatar when he is faced with Tsurugi at the start of the series and is the first non-seed to succeed using his Avatar in the series. T-Pistonz+KMC continue to do a great job on the openings but the soundtracks in the series are just about alright and nothing too special. The voice acting is decent as well. Inazuma Eleven Go doesn't live up to his prequel at all but all in all it's still enjoyable once it hits the mark.

You may end up hating the series as a sequel but then again it's set ten years in the future and has completely new characters for the team and in that aspect Inazuma Eleven Go is the starting installment with two more sequels to it; Chrono Stone and Galaxy. I'd recommend you end it at episode 127 in Inazuma Eleven but if you're a hardcore fan of it and want more of the cool hissatsu techniques with new characters and are also willing to watch the sequels as well then you can give it a GO. (Pun intended).

Overall 6 Story 6 Animation 7 Sound 6 Character 6 Enjoyment 7 Inazuma Eleven GO! Isn't as good as the original, but it's still fun.

It's ten years after the original and soccer is run by Fifth Sector, who decides who wins and who loses in advance. To go against them is to get your school shut down. Yeah, it's dumb.

Dumb like a fox! But half the fun of this show is how dumb it is. It's good-naturedly silly and they do try so very hard. The beginning is hard going since nobody but Tenma is willing to challenge Fifth Sector so there's a lot of whining, but once that's over with the plot is as fun as the other series.

It does have two major problems however. First off there are the Avatars. These basically take the place of the hissatsu techniques, although they have a few of those as well. But the difference is they're just not as fun. Instead of shouting some random Engrish word and having magic appear they now shout out said name and a giant creature appears behind them to fight for them. It's less fun and more easily exhausted, especially since they don't have more than one animation which takes forever and seems to need to be replayed every time. Secondly there are the characters.

I have no problem with Tenma. Even if he is an Endou knockoff he's a good one. There's also Tsurugi, who has the amazing ability to play soccer without taking his hands out of his pockets, Shinsuke, who is like a pink bouncy Yoda, and Shindou, whose ability to direct players through music makes him an awesome captain. They're all good. They're also the only characters in it.

The other teammates get no screentime and no personality. Even these guys have precious little to do except for Tenma, and most of his story is over once he gets everyone on his side. The villains are disposable too, and rushed through too fast to have any sense of drama.

In general the fights seemed rushed too, as if they couldn't bother to put any effort into them. I suppose the formula had to dry up sometime.

So if you liked the original you'll probably like this one. If you didn't then this one won't change your mind. Overall 6 Story 6 Animation 9 Sound 5 Character 6 Enjoyment 7 After watching the affable Inazuma Eleven, I honestly expected this series to be as good, ii not better, than its preque, considering all the publicity and the hypel. And, I've been sorely diasappointed. This series falls way below expectations in almost every way possible. Art:9 The only silver lining in the otherwise dark cloud, the art has improved. Better animation and art than the first.

Sound:5 Voice acting was top notch. Unfortunately the music score, which sets the feel for the series was.

Nonton anime inazuma eleven

Inazuma Eleven Anime List

Although the later themes were better, but 'Ten made Todoke'? What's wrong with T pistonz and KMC! And lets no even talk about the EDs. These songs cannot even hold a candle to 'Ryuusei Boy' or 'Maji Bomber' (or even 'Seishun Oden', for that matter.) Story and Characters: 6 Being a kids anime, I didn't expect much of the story.

Although they've tried to make Go darker ad edgier,the whole Fifth Sector suspense is not half as impactful as say, the climax of the Aliea Arc. Just the same old formula of 'organisations trying to control sakka'. Moving on to the characters. It was nice to see the old ones return- we got to know what happened to them after the FFI, which was refreshing.

The new characters, unfortunately, seem to be like the same characters mish-mash. Tenma proved to be the bane of the series- his personaity was a complete copy of that of Endou's.

It was like watching Endou say those positive, encouraging things. Except in Tenma's case, they sounded banal- it was nothing new.And what I find annoying is that even the matches seemed repititive (maybe after watching all those international level FFI matches, school level matches might seenm to be tad boring). I remember skipping all the match sequences- because most of them ended with Tenma (who else) giving hackneyed soliloques and speeches and everyone magically 'falling in love with soccer'. Even though I'm a huge football/soccer fan, and I never minded Endou's speeches because they made sense. To me, Tenma's ramblings are nothing but pure peurile garbage.

Enjoyment: 7 Salvaged by the old characters. Overall: 6 Verdict: IE GO is, especially in the beginning, very slow. Although the things do become a bit interesting, but believe me, halfay through, you'll realise that the only reason you'll watch the series sincerely willl be to catch a glimpse of your favourite characters in the first series.

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